Fully Integrated with Chrome
Good Morning - New Tab works perfectly with your Chrome browser. Install once, then enjoy beautiful photos and inspirational quotes every time you open a tab. Enter your name for a personalized greeting.

Embrace Tranquility
Every time you open a new tab, you’ll see a beautiful background in Chrome. The relaxing photos often feature nature scenes and are refreshed daily.
Stay Inspired
Enjoy a new inspirational quote at the bottom of every new Chrome tab.

Keep Tabs on the Weather
Always know the forecast with the Good Morning - New Tab Chrome extension. You’ll find updated weather info for your location in the top left corner of the screen.
Keep Your Chrome Tabs Tidy
Quick links to your apps, bookmarks, cloudHQ apps, and Good Karma (donation site for the Red Cross) are kept at the top right of your screen.

Good Karma Link to the Red Cross
Click the Good Karma link and you’ll be taken directly to the Red Cross donation page.
100% Free for Anyone Using Gmail
Good Morning - New Tab is 100% free for anyone with Gmail or a business email hosted by G Suite.